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When Should You Repair or Replace Stucco?

When Should You Repair or Replace Stucco?With its unique aesthetic appeal and significant value, stucco is a popular choice among building owners for exterior walls and siding. It offers a classic look and improved insulation that aids in cutting down on energy bills. Stucco is a prevalent characteristic of big and small constructions in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Westchester.

Though demanding less maintenance, stucco is vulnerable to damage caused by natural elements and general wear and tear. A stucco repair contractor Queens can ideally fix the impairments preserving it from ultimate failure. However, a major consideration while reforming stucco is whether you should opt for repair or replacement.

Causes of Stucco Damage

Stucco repair companies Queens recognize stucco failure at different levels. Primarily, depending upon the damage source it can be either surface level or contribute to some underlying issues.

Read More: – Tips For Finding The Right Stucco Contractor

  • Cracks and small holes developed on the bright yellow-colored stucco wall due to physical impact occurring on the surface. It does not affect the plaster beneath.
  • Broken seals on vents occur when caulking or weather-stripping fails. Temperature fluctuations and ageing are the predominant causes.
  • Diagonal cracks around the door or window frames are serious threats indicating foundation settlement.
  • Damp patches and efflorescence on the stucco surface require urgent attention as it implies major waterproofing failure. Improper waterproofing installation, poor-grade materials, and flashing problems are responsible for the scenario.
  • Chipping or flaking stucco, discoloration, mildew, mold, and blistering are common results of waterproofing failure, hydraulic pressure, and improper drainage system. When you contact stucco repair contractors near me in Queens, they will be able to recognize the source and propose you the best fix.

Stucco Repair and Benefits

So, when should you opt for repair?

  • When cracks appear on the surface level without any effect on the interior layers, the top stucco contractors Queens can effortlessly perform a site patchwork without any extensive procedure.
  • You can repair broken seals by silicone caulking or weather-stripping without implementing high-end techniques or sophisticated tools.
  • Spider cracks, thinner than 1/16 of an inch, are easy to repair with elastomeric caulking and applying a new coat of yellow paint.

Stucco repair is a less invasive method and much cheaper than replacement.

Read More:- Key Qualities Of Best Masonry Repair Contractors

Stucco Replacement and Benefits

For large-scale damages, replacement is necessary to achieve sustainable results.

  • Severe waterproofing failure and drainage problems are underlying issues where removing the entire stucco is necessary to reach the deeper layers. Only experienced and licensed stucco repair service in Queens can perform such a complex and challenging task as it requires extensive comprehension and expertise.
  • Cracks due to structural or foundation problems possess consequential risks. For this, replacement of the stucco is the only solution since the foundation damage repair is mandatory to limit its extent.
  • Problems in the subterranean stucco resulting in blistering and efflorescence need replacement. Hydraulic pressure and waterproofing failure are the primary causes you cannot repair on the surface level.

To conclude, the type and extent of damage predominantly determine the ideal solution- repair or replacement. You must seek expert assistance to comprehend the relevant fix.

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