Queens Sidewalk Maintenance Professionals

Sidewalk Repair QueensSince most of the pedestrian traffic in Queens, New York commutes using sidewalks and pavements, Masonry Contractor NY specializes in proposing effective maintenance and repair programs for the sidewalks. Maintaining sidewalks in shipshape is a profound responsibility of every resident in the city. Any kind of impairment on sidewalks that may lead to trip hazards and injuries calls for a U.S. DOT (Department of Transportation) violation. Hence, sidewalk repair Queens is essential to avoid the engagement of such legal interference.

Our team of licensed and trained inspectors possess experience in performing sidewalk inspections and detecting the prime areas of concern which may come under the notice of DOT violation. Defective sidewalks with cracks, uneven surfaces and slopes, holes, broken edges and outgrown tree roots impose a potential threat to the smooth movement of pedestrian traffic. Not to forget about the difficulty in pushing trolleys or shopping carts and wheelchairs even! Masonry Contractor NY can help you in conducting meticulous sidewalk inspection NY and offer you the most ideal solutions to you of receiving any violation notice!

Apart from minimizing potential mishaps, a well-maintained sidewalk also imparts curb appeal in the neighbourhood. However, you are solely responsible for its upkeep and undergoing repair work by a professional masonry contractor in case of damage concerns.

Common Sidewalk Restoration Measures

Acknowledging the significance of the sidewalk adjacent to your property, Masonry Contractor NY offers comprehensive repair solutions to restore the functionality of your sidewalk. Our team of highly skilled professionals can effectively handle any kind of sidewalk damage using top-notch raw materials and contemporary techniques.

Renowned as one of the most reliable sidewalk repair contractors Queens, we administer the following measures in fixing cracks, uneven, and raised surfaces of concrete, asphalt, or tiles sidewalks:

  • Cracks, bulges, and holes are perhaps the most prevailing sidewalk damages that occur over time. It is natural for concrete or asphalt to undergo physical changes under persistent temperature fluctuations. The alternate free-thaw cycle is the major culprit behind this phenomenon. In most cases, such crevices can be repaired by caulking. Nonetheless, partial replacement of the sidewalk is necessary if the damage is to a greater extent. Applying a sealant after power washing or installing a new sidewalk helps in preventing water seepage underneath the sidewalk. It ensures extended durability that comes with fewer expenses!
  • Sidewalk repair Queens is necessary for raised or collapsed sidewalks. These are the results of settling the ground underneath. Tree roots are also the cause sometimes where they push the ground up, forcing the concrete slab to raise. Such defective sidewalks are a potential threat to the safety of the users. At Masonry Contractor NY, our workmen implement diverse levelling techniques like mud jacking and the replacement of concrete slabs to fix such issues. Depending on the cause, we employ the most appropriate measure that will ensure long-lasting results.
  • Uneven surfaces like holes, pits, depressions and improper sloping are frequently observed in old sidewalks. Heavy foot traffic, overload, and natural wear and tear are the prevailing factors. The problem gets more critical in the wet months when water pools, increasing the risks of accidents. Pits and holes are filled with mortar or cement mix and levelled precisely. This is known as patchwork. To fix the sloping issue, the concrete slab is lifted and a grout-pump hose is used to pump in the mixture. The slab is placed back in position giving a smooth and even finish.

Keep Violations Away!

Always keep a check on your sidewalk that comprises regular inspection, repair, and maintenance. Fortunately, Masonry Contractor NY can help you with our substantial expertise in the industry. If you are worried about sidewalk violations removal NY, here goes the incredible work of our professionals!