Brick masonry repair queensBrick masonry is one of the core services offered by Masonry Contractor NY. Our brick masonry repair Queens is prominent for the unrivalled quality that generates a long-lasting effect improving the durability of your building. From large commercial projects to small single-unit residential projects, we have comprehensive expertise in an extensive array of diverse construction structures. Inputting exhaustive knowledge and precise skills, our craftsmen can execute any type of masonry work effortlessly.

As a renowned and accomplished brick masonry contractor Queens, Masonry Contractor NY possesses top-notch adroitness in removing old bricks, installing new bricks, positioning missing bricks, repointing, and other repair services. Using the highest grade raw materials and employing the latest tools and technologies, we assure you impressive results that will enhance curb appeal and restore the building’s strength and stability.

Repair and restoration of masonry structures are important aspects of maintenance. A properly maintained building will offer you greater service life with improved safety. And thus you enjoy a stress-free and secured living zone.

Common Methods of Brick Masonry Repair

Brick repair Queens, NY is a prerequisite to maintaining the structural integrity and sustainability of any masonry construction. The effect of ageing is a natural process which is inescapable at any cost. Continuous exposure to water (rain and water), heat, chemicals, and pollution are the primary cause of damage to brick structures. Also, the use of poor-quality raw materials and overloading are sometimes responsible for structural deterioration.

The most prevalent signs of damage are cracks (small or large), leaks, holes, misplaced bricks, loosening joints, and so on. We, at Excel Masonry Contractor NY, adhere to strict protocols in repairing and restoring such brick and concrete structures boosting their efficiency and imparting overpowering visual appeal.

The brick masonry repair Queens is carried out using any of the following methods:

  • One of the elementary and convenient methods is the application of sand or cement mortar. This is a cost-efficient process when compared to other contemporary techniques. The cracks and holes are filled with the mortar and allowed to dry. It provides the effect of original construction composition acting as good camouflage.
  • Epoxy mortar or epoxy resin injection is an advanced technology where polymer cementation mortar is used. Masonry work Queens relies on this method considerably as it has low permeability and greater adhesion strength. It aids higher durability as compared to conventional mortar. Hence for cracks, leaks, and brick repointing, epoxy mortar is often considered a more reliable fix.
  • At  Excel Masonry Contractor NY, we also offer another type of sustainable solution called crack stitching. As a part of brick masonry services NY, the stitching method is relatively used to seal large cracks where other methods fail. Large holes are drilled on both sides of the crack and steel grooves are grouted in. Stitching helps in increasing the tensile strength of the brick structure.
  • When all of the aforesaid methods do not suffice the problem, then rebuilding the damaged portion of the wall is the most effective choice. Old bricks are removed and new ones are installed performing brick grinding and other construction methods. Such a restoration process provides superior performance functionality and enhanced aesthetics.

Being a noteworthy brick masonry contractor Queens, Masonry Contractor NY is renowned for the quality of service that remains unwavering through the years of experience in the industry. We are here to offer you the most suitable brick repair solutions while counting on your budget. Our team consists of some of the finest craftsmen in the industry, well-trained and accomplished in their areas of expertise. Be assured of complete satisfaction!