The Leading Building Repair Contractor in Queens

The repair and maintenance of buildings offered by Masonry Contractor NY enumerate the use of the highest grade raw materials and the implementation of superior skills by proficient craftsmen. While building repair Queens is a cost that every homeowner and business owner must encounter, we propose you the most competent deals without compromising the quality of our services. Extending extraordinary building repair solutions to residential and commercial clients, we have accomplished numerous successful projects adding to our years of experience and expertise.

We at Masonry Contractor NY have the knowledge and resources required to conduct an extensive array of repair jobs including roofs, walls, floors and more. Executing a thorough building inspection for quality assurance purposes before starting any project help our experts to understand the different types of repairs you require as well as the precise techniques and raw materials.

Building repair is a mandate for restoring the durability and stability of the structure. Natural phenomena like extreme weather conditions, ground settlement and deflection, vibration, wind movement and so on. As one of the most pronounced building repair contractors Queens, Masonry Contractor NY aids in identifying structural problems like cracks, leaks, and reinforcement corrosion and proposes relevant solutions.

Building Repair Techniques We Approve

The building repair techniques adapted by us vary considerably according to the type and extent of the damage. From minor to major cracks, crushed concrete, leakage in walls, ceilings, basements and corroded reinforcements, the professionals at Masonry Contractor NY utilize appropriate skills and methods to restore the structural integrity of the building effectively.

We undertake adequate safety measures before starting your project for eliminating any potential hazard which equates to a lower risk for injury. The standard protocols for home repair program as offered by us are:

  • Small and medium cracks are prevailing damage concerns of all kinds of buildings. They can range anywhere between 0.5mm to 5mm. These cracks are responsible for reducing the tensile strength of any structure. The process begins will cleaning the crack which includes getting rid of loose materials or debris. Aluminum or plastic injection ports are installed on the surfaces of both sides. The sealant is applied and allowed to cure. It is followed by injecting non-shrink grout until it starts overflowing. Once completed, the injection ports are removed. This technique of building repair Queens is commonly used for columns, beams, floors, and walls.
  • Larger cracks wider than 5mm are severe. Often loose or disintegrated concrete is found around such cracks. The injection process does not support adequate effectiveness. So, at Masonry Contractor NY, we execute a more critical procedure. Damaged concrete surrounding the crack is removed and quick-setting cement or mortar is filled in the crevice. Twisted or shear reinforcements are installed if necessary and are coated with mortar for additional strength and support. Total replacement of a wall or structure is often performed in case of large-scale damage.
  • For commercial building repair with damaged reinforcements caused by corrosion, overloading, or expansion, replacement of the old steel part with a new one is a potent solution. However, repair work without the removal of steel is carried out using auxiliary stirrup ties. It prevents further buckling of the reinforcement. Sometimes, we implant extra steel by drilling a hole and filling it with epoxy cement. It helps in retaining the original position of the steel.

A Safe Building Means a Secured Life!

You can avoid spending a lot of money if you can keep the exterior and interior of your house in adequate shape by building renovation Queens NY. It increases the resale value of your property as well along with providing extended service life. Let Masonry Contractor NY help you have a healthy building and safer environment.